
A.I. Command Chart

BOT Command Chart


To change the command at run time, you need to:
1) Disable the MOVEMENT FSM
2) Set the TACTICS_CurrentCommand variable
3) Set any other variable (see ADDITIONAL SETTINGS in the table above)
4) Enable the MOVEMENT FSM (this effectively tells the Movement FSM to evaluate the new command)

(Command must always be in CAPS):

GUARD_HOLD_POSITION Holds current position; Attacks enemies; Does not pursue them
GUARD_CHASE Holds current position; Attacks enemies; Pursues enemies; If enemies are killed or out of range, the bot will hold the position he’s now at.
GUARD_CHASE_RETURN Holds current position; Attacks enemies; Pursues enemies; Returns to original position if enemies are out of range or eliminated. Attempts to cover both original area and enemy areas.
PATROL_WAYPOINT Follows a group of waypoints sequentially. Example: If A is starting waypoint and D is last, A->B->C->D, then D->A and continues the pattern. [Tactics][TACTICS_PatrolChase]: Set to true if bot should chase enemies it encounters along the way. Resumes Waypoint Route after enemies killed.
PATROL_WAYPOINT_STOP Follows a group of waypoints sequentially then stops at last waypoint and initiates a GUARD_HOLD_POSITION command. [Tactics][TACTICS_PatrolChase]: Set to true if bot should chase enemies it encounters along the way. Resumes Waypoint Route after enemies killed.
PATROL_WAYPOINT_PINGPONG Follows a group of waypoints sequentially, then reverses the order. Example: If A is starting waypoint and D is last, A->B->C->D, then goes from D->C->B->A and continues the pattern. [Tactics][TACTICS_PatrolChase]: Set to true if bot should chase enemies it encounters along the way. Resumes Waypoint Route after enemies killed.
PATROL_WAYPOINT_RANDOM Picks a random waypoint from a group and, upon reaching that waypoint, picks another random point, etc… [Tactics][TACTICS_PatrolChase]: Set to true if bot should chase enemies it encounters along the way. Resumes Waypoint Route after enemies killed.
PATROL_NEARBY_RANDOM Moves to a random location within a given radius. The radius distance is set in the MOVEMENTS FSM @ variable “charSTAT_RandomMoveRadius” This does NOT rely on waypoints. Great for simulating certain NPC characters, such as neutral town people or explorers. [Tactics][TACTICS_PatrolChase]: Set to true if bot should chase enemies it encounters along the way. Resumes Waypoint Route after enemies killed.
MOVETO Moves to a selected location; Attacks enemies; Does not pursue enemy during transit. Upon reaching location, the bot initiates a GUARD_HOLD_POSITION command. [Movements][currentMoveToLocV3]: Set Vector3 of destination. [Movements][currentMoveToObj]: Set GameObject as destination (see next variable). [Movements][moveTo_TrackObject]: Set to true to move to GameObject destination instead of Vector3. [Movements][MOVETO_Urgent]: Set to true to run to destination instead of walking.
MOVETO_CHASE Moves to a selected location; Attacks enemies; Pursues enemies it meets along the way, then initiates a GUARD_HOLD_POSITION command at current position. Does not revert to original path. This command is similar to the ATTACK-MOVE command of popular RTS games. [Movements][currentMoveToLocV3]: Set Vector3 of destination. [Movements][currentMoveToObj]: Set GameObject as destination (see next variable). [Movements][moveTo_TrackObject]: Set to true to move to GameObject destination instead of Vector3. [Movements][MOVETO_Urgent]: Set to true to run to destination instead of walking.
MOVETO_NOENGAGE Moves to a selected location; Does not attack enemies nor pursue them. Initiates a GUARD_HOLD_POSITION command upon reaching destination. [Movements][currentMoveToLocV3]: Set Vector3 of destination. [Movements][currentMoveToObj]: Set GameObject as destination (see next variable). [Movements][moveTo_TrackObject]: Set to true to move to GameObject destination instead of Vector3. [Movements][MOVETO_Urgent]: Set to true to run to destination instead of walking.