If you have any issues, questions, or require technical help with the Unity game engine itself, please contact Unity Technologies (www.unity3d.com) Any questions about refunds should also be directed to Unity Technologies. This AI solution is sold exclusively on the Unity Asset Store. We are unable to offer you a refund ourselves since this product contains usable source code.
If you have any issues, questions, or require technical help with the PlayMaker tool itself, please contact Hutong Games (www.hutonggames.com).
If you need additional help regarding our AI solutions, give us a shout at aibotsystem@gmail.com or (www.aibotsystem.com) and give us your Unity Receipt Number (to help us combat scammers looking to get free stuff). You may also contact us using the form on this website. For legal reasons, we will not do custom development for your game or receive your game ideas, since we make games ourselves.
[REQUESTING SUPPORT] Asset Store Reviews: Please know that we, developers, are not auto-notified when we receive a review on the Asset Store. So please don’t leave tech support requests as a review on the Store, because this will result in a very slow response. With that said, if you think we’re doing a good job, let us know by giving us a good rating This tells us that we’re doing something right so we can keep doing it right! THANK YOU!
On the next page you will find important tips and troubleshooting notes. We recommend you read them because you might run into the same issues later.